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Post - XavUK

Pagine: 1 ... 4 5 [6]
Here we have the first of Marina's translations, "Yeti Scarponi":

She was also kind enough to translate the commentary that we wrote to go with the strip. You can find both this translated commentary and a link to download the Inkscape SVG file for the translated comic by clicking here.

If anyone wants to read the original English version of the comic or commentary, you can find them by clicking this link.

Just started with the last one.
A small question who is Shatner?
 The Greys`s member confederations? aliennnn

(Captain Kirk from "Star Trek")

Hello Mark, how we can translate in this case?? (see attachment)
I can do a new path but the style looks different as yours has 326 nodes.
Have you vectorised, I guess the current one? Let me know

Vince drew this comic, and I hadn't realised he'd converted that text into part of the path. I would suggest that either you delete the nodes that make up the text from the path (leaving that section solid) and lay new text over the top, or you let me have the translation for that text and the SVG file of the other changes, and I can sort it out for you.

If it helps with the translation, the text is a reference to the 2008 X-Files film: lists the Italian title for the film as "X-Files - Voglio crederci"

I hope that helps. Perhaps in future it would be better to email me with any questions like this. That way we can keep this thread for the finished translations, and it will be easier to discuss the "secret" Easter Eggs without spoiling the surprise for anyone who wants to search for them.

I've set up a spreadsheet on Google Docs to keep track of the translations, and spaventapasseri suggested I should post it here. Anyone can view it, to see what progress is being made:

If anyone else is interested in translating any of our comics please get in touch. I can then send you some notes and guidelines to help, and grant you permission to edit the spreadsheet so that you can indicate which comic you're working on. It would be great to fill out a few more cells in the document.

I would like to translate some of them as well.

I'll send you an email with some more details.

If anyone is having trouble finding the comics, try this:

1) Go to - this will always show the most recent comic just underneath our header image
2) Below the comic there are a few buttons. You can use the "Previous" button to step backwards through our comics, or the "Random" button to jump to a random comic.
3) If you want to start from the beginning, click the small "First" button at the left. You can then use the "Next" button to step through them in order.

We post a new comic every two weeks (and sometimes more), so you can just visit occasionally to see the latest work.

I flattred you work....i clicked on flattr button on your site....good works....:-)

Thank you, it's really appreciated  :D

I am Mark, one of the creators of the comic, and I'll be visiting this forum from time to time to answer any questions about our work.

I want to clarify that all of our comic strips are 100% made using Inskcape. As proud Inkscape users we also make our SVG files available for you to download for personal use. So if you see something in a comic and want to know how we achieved the effect, you can download the file and take a look (or just ask me here).

Many thanks to Marina for her offer to translate some comics, I'm looking forward to seeing our work spread across the world  yeah

Ciao Marina, ti ringrazio per la gentile offerta.

Ti manderò un messaggio con il mio indirizzo email in modo che si possa discutere i dettagli.

Sarà bello avere alcuni dei nostri fumetti disponibile in italiano. Sebbene la Marina si è offerta di fare questo, se qualcuno è interessato si prega ancora offrire. Altri traduttori significa meno lavoro per ogni persona, o più fumetti che avranno tradotto.

English: Hi Marina, thank you for your kind offer.

I'll send you a message with my email address in so that we can discuss the details.

It will be great to have some of our comics available in Italian. Although Marina has offered to do this, if anyone else is interested please still offer. More translators means less work for each person, or more comics that will get translated.

Ciao utenti di Inkscape. Io non parlo molto italiano, quindi mi scuso per gli effetti del traduttore di Google sulle mie parole.

Io sono uno dei creatori di "The Greys", il fumetto legato soprattutto ( Sì, i nostri fumetti sono interamente creati in Inkscape. Facciamo anche i file SVG disponibile per il download in modo che sia possibile aprirli in Inkscape te stesso per imparare da loro, o modificarli.

Abbiamo effettivamente rendere il nostro discorso bolle in un modo diverso per il link sul primo post:

1) Fare un rettangolo arrotondato.
2) Convertire che a un percorso.
3) passare allo strumento Nodo e fare clic su un lato del percorso per selezionare i nodi a ciascuna estremità.
4) Premere "Inserisci" due volte per creare tre nuovi nodi.
5) Spostare il nodo centrale per la bocca del personaggio, e spostare gli altri due nodi più vicini fino a che non guarda a destra.
6) Noi di solito trascinare le linee che punta al carattere di dare loro una leggera curva.

Sono felice di rispondere a qualsiasi domanda sul fumetto. Siamo anche ansiosi di vederlo tradotto in altre lingue, così se qualcuno volesse tradurre qualsiasi dei nostri fumetti in italiano, si prega di mettersi in contatto e vi aiuteremo in ogni modo possibile.

In English:

I am one of the creators of "The Greys", the comic linked above ( Yes, our comics are entirely created in Inkscape. We also make the SVG files available for download so that you can open them in Inkscape yourself to learn from them, or modify them.

We actually make our speech bubbles in a different way to the link on the first post:

1) Make a rounded rectangle.
2) Convert that to a path.
3) Switch to the Node Tool and click one side of the path to select the nodes at each end.
4) Press "Insert" twice to create three new nodes.
5) Move the middle node to the mouth of the character, and move the other two nodes closer together until it looks right.
6) We usually drag the lines pointing to the character to give them a slight curve.

I'm happy to answer any questions about the comic. We are also keen to see it translated into other languages, so if anyone would like to translate any of our comics into Italian, please get in touch and we'll help in any way we can.

Pagine: 1 ... 4 5 [6]

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  • vect: ...Buona giornata/serata/notte...e hai coperto le 24 ore...un colpo da maestro!  sgdeeccellente!...meglio della IA... sgde
    24 Aprile, 2024, 12:35:30 pm
  • bobol: jay eh si non volevo fare calcoli e star li a pensare quale fuso orario ci fosse in Messico, quindi le ho sparate tutte insieme
    24 Aprile, 2024, 13:31:58 pm
  • vect: Buona Domenica...bella giornata, sono ad Ischia...prima sole, poi spaghetti ai frutti di mare e naturalmente bianco d'Ischia freddo!!!... :emoticon_cincin: byeee
    28 Aprile, 2024, 10:48:50 am
  • vect: Ahimè... slap...di ritorno nella solita bolgia metropolitana...Auguri a tutti i lavoratori... chapeau
    01 Maggio, 2024, 11:44:03 am
  • bobol: Grazie  :emoticon_cincin:
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  • bobol: Forza lavoratori che la festa è finita  wwoo
    02 Maggio, 2024, 09:07:10 am
  • vect: ...Lavoratore...a volte mi prende la nostalgia...poi...mi siedo e aspetto che mi passa... lauhh
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  • vect: ...Alla Domenica i LAVORATORI riposano... sunshin
    04 Maggio, 2024, 10:40:56 am
  • bobol: senzadubbiamente  ice
    04 Maggio, 2024, 18:04:24 pm
  • spaventapasseri: Mandato un messaggio agli amici
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  • spaventapasseri: posta per te
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  • bobol: MI ASSOCIO
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