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Topics - XavUK

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International section / Elvie
« il: 24 Febbraio, 2014, 09:10:46 am »
There's a new Linux magazine called "Linux Voice" which is a little different to most magazines: they aim to contribute 50% of their profits back to FOSS projects, and they intend to release all their content under an open license (currently CC-BY-SA) within 9 months. Oh, they've also got a comic strip ;)

"Elvie" is created using open source software: MyPaint, The GIMP and Inkscape running on Linux Mint. I won't post a lot about it on this site, as Inkscape is used mainly for the final layout, speech bubbles and text. Like our Greys comic, we intend to make the source files available for download. The first issue of the magazine has arrived with subscribers now, and will be in shops in the UK at the end of this week, and in various other countries soon afterwards.

Here's Elvie in my subscriber copy:

We would also love to have Elvie translated into other languages - we hope the open license and availability of the source files will help with this, as it did with The Greys. If anyone's interested in helping with this, we're mainly seeking people to commit to translating the first two strips at the moment, just to start things off and hopefully encourage more translators to come forward. If you're interested, please email "mark AT", reply here, or send me a private message.

International section / Inkscape Tutorial in Full Circle Magazine
« il: 27 Maggio, 2012, 11:00:25 am »
I thought I'd create a new thread for this, so it doesn't get lost in with The Greys.

I'm writing a series of Inkscape tutorial articles fro Full Circle Magazine. This is a Ubuntu Linux magazine, but the Inkscape tutorials are mostly relevant to Windows and MacOS users as well. It can be downloaded free of charge.

Last month had an introductory article to SVG as a file format, but this month the tutorials start properly. Part 1 covers the circle/ellipse tool and a few other basics - enough that even a total beginner can draw something.

Download issue 61 here.

International section / A question about language use
« il: 10 Febbraio, 2012, 17:02:12 pm »
I'm loving the new theme for the board, and the inclusion of the Google Translate toolbar has meant that I've been able to read more of the content outside of the International section. The translations are far from perfect, but usually good enough to give a general idea of what is being discussed.

Unfortunately I don't speak (or write) Italian. I have a "Teach Yourself Italian" book next to me right now, but rarely have the time to study it :(

So if I want to reply to a post in one of the other sections of the site, what is the recommended approach?

1) Don't do it - just write in the International section
2) Reply in my native language (English)
3) Reply in English but also provide a Google translation into Italian
4) Just provide a Google translation

I'm guessing that (3) is probably best, but I don't want to fill the forum with English if other readers will find it too distracting.

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  • bobol: scgg
    22 Marzo, 2024, 06:55:45 am
  • vect: ...Vedo che procede...a piccoli passi chiocciola procede...
    26 Marzo, 2024, 08:54:25 am
  • bobol: Si...quella modellata procede molto a rilento, ma in officina sono più "concreti" e l'hanno già tirata su  soccer
    27 Marzo, 2024, 07:05:05 am
  • bobol: Lo tengo come semplice ed utile esercizio, e cercherò comunque di portarla a termine....rimanete sintonizzati  reading
    27 Marzo, 2024, 07:07:24 am
  • vect: ...BUONA DOMENICA...Spaghetti vongole e bianco d'Ischia... :emoticon_cincin:
    07 Aprile, 2024, 11:15:22 am
  • bobol: Che "buona" questa domenica  fdfe
    07 Aprile, 2024, 22:31:18 pm
  • bobol: Heilà  byeee
    11 Aprile, 2024, 19:09:39 pm
  • vect: ...Il tempo scorre velocemente...questa settimana sembra essre volata...
    12 Aprile, 2024, 06:06:27 am
  • bobol: etciù etciù ETCIU' ETCIU'.......scusate ma nel frattempo è arrivata la primavera  swee
    12 Aprile, 2024, 13:27:54 pm
  • bobol: buon Fine Settimana  byeee
    13 Aprile, 2024, 07:20:14 am
  • vect: ...Grazie...oltretutto...questo fine settimana sembra essere pieno di sole... sunshin
    13 Aprile, 2024, 08:39:29 am
  • vect: ...Ho inaugurato la stagione con un bel tuffo e una nuotatina... swimmi
    15 Aprile, 2024, 05:57:27 am
  • bobol: wow
    15 Aprile, 2024, 09:05:20 am
  • Samuele Secchiero: Scusate, non apro un topic perché sarebbe una sciocchezza. Qualcuno sa come si toglie il simbolo di cambio paragrafo?
    20 Aprile, 2024, 11:20:29 am
  • bobol: apri pure un post, nulla è banale, specialmente per chi è agli inizi
    20 Aprile, 2024, 15:05:12 pm
  • Samuele Secchiero: Ok grazie, fatto
    20 Aprile, 2024, 19:29:18 pm
  • bobol: byeee
    24 Aprile, 2024, 09:44:38 am
  • vect: ...Buona giornata/serata/notte...e hai coperto le 24 ore...un colpo da maestro!  sgdeeccellente!...meglio della IA... sgde
    24 Aprile, 2024, 12:35:30 pm
  • bobol: jay eh si non volevo fare calcoli e star li a pensare quale fuso orario ci fosse in Messico, quindi le ho sparate tutte insieme
    24 Aprile, 2024, 13:31:58 pm
  • vect: Buona Domenica...bella giornata, sono ad Ischia...prima sole, poi spaghetti ai frutti di mare e naturalmente bianco d'Ischia freddo!!!... :emoticon_cincin: byeee
    28 Aprile, 2024, 10:48:50 am
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