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Post - brynn

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International section / Inkscape Community and Gallery
« il: 08 Dicembre, 2013, 19:42:10 pm »
Hi Friends,
After moderating at for a few years, and wanting a more full featured Inkscape website, I decided to build one.  Inkscape Community opened on August 1st.  And at spaventapasseri's suggestion, I added a gallery, Inkscape Community Gallery which opened a month later.

The gallery is a Coppermine Gallery, bridged with the Simple Machines Forum with Tiny Portal.  Both the forum and the gallery have multiple language support.  However, one of the main features of the site, the Inkscape Tutorials page, is only in English.  And of course, the messages aren't translated either.  I know that lot of people use translation software to translate.  So that is one option. 

I've been searching for a way to provide the full translation of the site, but so far, I haven't found any.  I am aware of google's products, but have found it frustrating to understand some of its translations.  Maybe a better solution will come along, someday.  Or maybe google's will improve.

Anyway, please feel free to visit, look around, and register if you like.  Each registered and logged in member automatically is logged into the gallery, where they can create their own user gallery.  It's for any image made with Inkscape, in whole or in part, and the only Inkscape gallery I know about, which allows any member to upload.

All best,

PS -- If anyone wants to translate this message to Italian, please feel free  :)

International section / new Inkscape website
« il: 10 Agosto, 2013, 04:10:05 am »
Hi Friends,
I told spaventapasseri about this last week, but forgot to make a posting here.  So sorry for the delay.

Inkscape Community is mostly about tutorials.  I've made a page with links to all of what I think are the best tutorials for Inkscape.  It will be kept current -- i.e. outdated tutorials removed, new tutorials added, if a tutorial is found to missing its illustrations, I'll remove it, etc.

While that page contains links to existing tutorials, there is also a way for members to write new tutorials which would be hosted there.  In the case of video tutorials, at least for now, you'd have to use vimeo to host it.  Once I figure out how to host videos, I hope I can host them as well as the text tutorials.

Members whom I know from either or whom spaventapasseri recommends from this forum (since I don't keep up here, on a daily basis) can be promoted, and begin writing tutorials right away.

Also, there is a forum.  In light of so many other Inkscape forums, such as this, and, I expect it won't be very busy.  At least not until I can build my search engine ranking. 

And finally, I'll be adding a gallery, asap.  Surprisingly, gallery software makers don't feel it's relevant to advertise which image file types they support.  They don't list them as Features  :o So I may need to install them and attempt to upload an SVG, just to find out.  But it seems that not many gallery softwares can support SVG.  The good news though, is that most of the ones I've looked at offer many different languages.

I've tried to make the forum using multiple different languages, but there are still some mysteries about that, for me.  So it may not be working properly yet.  But the gallery will have separate files  (its own files) for languages, so the gallery will be international from the start, whether or not the forum is.  (As far as I can tell  ;D )

Anyway, if you read English, or, lol, want to find out whether you can see the forum in Italian (I actually don't know, although I'm guessing it's not working) please feel free to stop by and look around!

Bar / my prayers are with Earthquake victims and survivors
« il: 30 Maggio, 2012, 12:45:42 pm »
Hi Friends,
I've seen news reports about the recent earthquake in Italy (I think in the north).  I just want to offer prayers and healing thoughts for quick recovery  :)

PS - spaventapasseri, I'm glad to see you are back on the forums.  RM. and I were worried.

Confrontiamoci su... / Re:Chiarimenti contest
« il: 29 Febbraio, 2012, 08:35:58 am »
Yes, even 2 months is very short for some photorealistic.  For example, if you tried to reproduce a photo of a person, it could take 6 months.  I think I will have to come up with something very simple, to make photorealistic and complete in 2 months.

Presentazioni / Re:Hi Friends!
« il: 29 Febbraio, 2012, 00:29:49 am »
Thanks for everyone's welcomes  :D
I'm looking forward to the many drawing projects posted here!

Confrontiamoci su... / Re:Chiarimenti contest
« il: 29 Febbraio, 2012, 00:24:37 am »
Hi Friends,
Can images be submitted which are not drawn completely within the month or month and half?  For example, I've been working on a photorealistic project for several months.  I'm not even sure if I could have it finished before the deadline.  But if I can, would it be fair to submit it?  Or for another example, if I have a completed image already, could that be submitted?

This seems rather unfair to me, so I'm trying to think of something else to draw as photorealistic.  But I thought it would be a good question, and perhaps need to be clarified.

Thanks  :)

Presentazioni / Re:Hi Friends!
« il: 28 Febbraio, 2012, 04:18:22 am »
Well, as I said before, it's certainly better than nothing!  To me, it leaves a lot of room for improvement.  It will not prevent me from visiting and participating here.  But if it could be better, I don't mind putting in a little time on a search.

After all the discussion about message formatting and translating, I forgot about my question about posting a new image to an old topic, in "Confrontiamoci" forum.  I assume it's not a problem, but wanted to be sure  :)

Presentazioni / Re:Hi Friends!
« il: 28 Febbraio, 2012, 04:02:51 am »
Well, I'm sure that you've already done a thorough search.  I'm mostly just curious what's available.  But the internet is a big place, and maybe someone else might find something different, and hopefully better.

Presentazioni / Re:Hi Friends!
« il: 28 Febbraio, 2012, 03:40:10 am »
Ok, this one is what I see with translator:

And this is what I see with translator turned off:

You can see that some words get mixed up with the translator.  I did not draw circles and arrows, but you can see for yourself, if you look closely.

I might do some research, and maybe help you try to find a better one, if you don't mind?

Presentazioni / Re:Hi Friends!
« il: 28 Febbraio, 2012, 03:28:42 am »
Ok, I understand  :)

This is without translator.

Are you spaventapasseri and d4rkheart actually writing in English, in this topic?  Because I turned off the translator, but can still read your messages.

I think that when you write in English, the translator somehow has some effect on it.  Let me see if I can manage to show you one of your replies, with and without the translation.  I'll make screenshots, and be back soon  :)

Presentazioni / Re:Hi Friends!
« il: 28 Febbraio, 2012, 03:21:14 am »
Just to be clear -- You're saying that I can post in English, and the Italian users can use the Google translation to read it?

Example of the strange translation:
I wrote "So my message will be translated, even if I turn it off?"

It was translated "I know my message will be transleted, even if I turn it off?"

I can live with the formatting problems  :)  I think they must be intermittent, because when I was reading the forum in the past, all formatting was seen then.

PS - In an edit (modification) I'm going to turn off the translator, because my example above did not exactly work.

Presentazioni / Re:Hi Friends!
« il: 28 Febbraio, 2012, 02:57:50 am »
Will my message be translated, even if I have turned it off?

Presentazioni / Re:Hi Friends!
« il: 28 Febbraio, 2012, 02:48:47 am »
Oh sorry.  I'm using the current version of Firefox and still learning how to use it.  I recently switched from IE.  Often when the formatting is not present, it indicates a script is either missing, or missing permission.  But I haven't found any clues yet.

Presentazioni / Re:Hi Friends!
« il: 28 Febbraio, 2012, 02:41:29 am »
Oh yes, I do remember you d4rkheart.  I did not realize you were a member here too.

This formatting problem is not just my messages.  None of the messages I read have formatting.  Just all compressed together.

Still not sure if the problem is on my end though -- still troubleshooting  :)

Presentazioni / Re:Hi Friends!
« il: 28 Febbraio, 2012, 02:36:42 am »
I'm not sure what the problem is.  The message as I see it has no formatting, even though I typed in several paragraphs.  When I refresh the page, it suddenly becomes formatted as I typed it, and stays that way until the page is fully loaded, then it suddenly gets compressed again.

I think I have all the necessary scripts allowed.....I'll do some troubleshooting.

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